Sellers info

Why choose us!!!?

We will charge you only 3% brokerage. Other brokers on the Island will charge you 5% or more!!? Read more about our packages

We offer our clients a FULL package of services. If you wish, it is optional for one of our real estate agents to assist you with the viewing.

More than 90% of our clients ask us for a full package service. A small group chooses to do some work themselves. With us, the customer has the choice to carry out the visits by us or to do the viewing by themselves with potential buyers.

After all, you also want your property quickly sold at the highest possible price?

  • Valuation and sales strategy
  • Photo report plus description for a fixed fee of USD 175
  • Showcase presentation at Aruba Happy Realty
  • Placement on the internet
  • For sale sign
  • Contact with potential buyers
  • We will arrange an appointment for the viewing and you will meet with the potential buyer.
  • The title deed
  • Contact with the notary
  • Post Follow up

If you wish for one of our real estate agents to assist you with the viewing, we will charge you an hourly fee of $150, -.

  • Valuation and sales strategy
  • Photo report plus description
  • Showcase presentation at Aruba Happy Realty
  • Placement on the internet
  • For sale sign
  • Contact with potential buyers
  • Make appointments with potential buyers
  • All viewings of your home under the supervision of a professional real estate agent
  • The title deed
  • Contact with the notary
  • Post Follow up
  • Valuation and sales strategy
  • Photo report plus description
  • Showcase presentation at Aruba Happy Realty
  • Placement on the internet
  • For sale sign
  • Contact with potential buyers
  • Make appointments with potential buyers
  • All viewings of your home under the supervision of a professional real estate agent
  • The title deed
  • Contact with the notary
  • Post Follow up


  1. We have the most profitable brokerage fee on the island of Aruba and on average 70% below the local real estate fee.
  2. We do not ask exclusivity!!
  3. You can also list your house somewhere else
  4. We use strategic steps to sell your Listing

Selling you property begins with a home intake by one of our real estate agents. Our real estate agent will visit you personally. You will receive a home intake report with the indicative value and key features of your home. We make photos and the text listing of your house.

Your real estate agent will discuss with you the property presentation, sales expectations and asking price strategy. Your house will  be prominent on our website presented and brought to the attention through the ‘for sale’ sign, social media and mailings. Selling of your house is actually taking place!

A potential buyer asks for a viewing. We will immediately inform you when a viewing is requested. You will inform us when it is suitable and we will schedule the appointment. After the viewing with the potential buyers, you quickly and easy fill in and send us the unique Aruba Happy Realty property review form. In case the potential buyer is placing a bid, your real estate agent will start with a negotiation on behalf of you.

After a successful negotiation of your house, there is an agreement on price, date of delivery and any conditions. Your real estate agents, together with the legal department of Aruba Happy Realty, will carefully draft the sale agreement. This is how the agreements will be confirmed in writing. After the dissolving conditions expires, your house will finally be sold. Your house on will be removed. Up to the transfer of your property, your personal real estate agent remains your single point of contact.

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